E-mail Marketing Agency in Canada

Drive website traffic, build awareness & generate higher quality leads with E-mail Marketing.

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Years Experience

Your Business’s Success and E-mail Marketing

Increase brand exposure, re-engage subscribers/customers, and customer retention are the three basic goals of email marketing. You may already be familiar with these three conversion-driven acts, as well as their significance in the success of your company.

When you hear these things, e-mail marketing may not be the first thing that comes to mind. You’ve undoubtedly tried a variety of marketing tactics with varied degrees of success. But what if there’s one really effective marketing tactic you’re overlooking?


E-mail Is Easy To Use.

It’s one of the most straightforward methods to connect with and engage potential consumers.

E-mail has an extremely high delivery rate of around 98.3 percent (overall).

In comparison, established followers on social media have a restricted reach.

Even perfectly timed postings and private messages will fall short of e-mail delivery rates.

Promotional messages are also best sent via e-mail (77 percent ).

E-mail Saves Time & Money

E-mail marketing is a low-cost strategy to increase visitors to your business and/or website.

Digital traffic isn’t the sole source of traffic for newsletters.

It can help increase in-store traffic by promoting in-store events and special offers.

Building brand recognition is one of the most effective methods of e-mail marketing.

E-mail marketing is a cost-effective way to strengthen long-term relationships between companies and customers.

Sales Are Driven By E-mails

E-mails increase the number of sales conversions.

E-mail has a 21.80 percent open rate and a 2.78 percent click-through rate, on average.

The open rate (46.6%), click-through rate (28.7%), and conversion rate of shopping cart abandonment e-mails are the highest (5 percent ).

This is noteworthy since the conversion rate is higher than that of other marketing channels such as search and social media.

Leads Are Generated By E-mails

Diverse enterprises in unconnected industries have varying goals.

However, it is widely accepted that the top value of e-mail marketing is lead creation (29 percent).

Improvements in conversion rates (17%), lead quality detection (17%), and sales performance (17%) follow (15 percent ).

What Can Professional E-mail Marketing Management Services Do for Your Business?

Even with a clear aim in mind, beginning an e-mail marketing campaign isn’t as simple as it appears. Every campaign involves a lot of work, and campaign management is a never-ending process. Apart from the apparent advantage of having specialists on your team, e-mail marketing management services provide a lot more than you may imagine.

People working for e-mail marketing organizations will be assigned to particular responsibilities, allowing them to focus on offering the best possible solutions for their clients.

Internal Resources are Freed by Using E-mail Marketing Services.

To keep an e-mail marketing campaign operating, you’ll need a crew. There are several duties to concentrate on, all of which need unique abilities that no single individual can possess. It’s not enough for one team member to be proficient in e-mail marketing. There are several factors to consider, including:

Responsive e-mail design automation, segmentation and personalization of e-mails subject line and body of e-mail size and quality of the list make a compelling value proposition landing pages are a type of web page that is used we are experts in e-mail marketing.

E-mail marketing necessitates a thorough understanding of both the technical and strategic needs. Knowing how campaigns work, what makes them work, why they work, when they work, and where they work isn’t always enough; expertise in a certain sort of marketing is required to almost intuitively know how they work, what makes them work, why they work, when they work, and where they work. Even organizations that don’t specialize in e-mail marketing have a staff of professionals with several years of business expertise. Hiring someone with the same level of knowledge and competence is costly, but you may hire them for less than a thousand dollars each month.

Experts in e-mail marketing can help you reach new heights with your campaigns.

It’s more convenient than you would think to outsource your e-mail marketing management. Aside from taking care of everything, e-mail management companies also provide add-on services to round out the package. This might include exclusive tools, novel techniques, or adaptable solutions. You’ll have more time to concentrate on the outcomes rather than ensuring that the campaign meets your objectives. While analytics can give useful information on its own, it cannot replace professional counsel and opinion.

What Can Tech Chimpanzee Do for Your Company?

Marketing funnels require expert knowledge and sufficient resources. We can create an email marketing campaign from the ground up, work on ongoing and long-term initiatives, and maximize the campaign’s effectiveness. Our team of e-mail marketing experts will implement the most effective techniques for your company. You won’t get the same outcomes with only e-mail marketing techniques. Our advisors are well-versed in the intricacies, methods, and developments in e-mail marketing. After all, e-mail marketing isn’t as simple as it appears. Experience operating a business, branding, and marketing channels; establishing, analyzing, and maintaining subscriber lists; and a thorough understanding of the framework of a marketing campaign are all required. 

Managed E-mails Marketing Services

You can choose to delegate complete or partial administration of your e-mail marketing campaigns to us. Full management requires overseeing all marketing efforts as well as the duties that come with them. Allow us to manage your email marketing campaigns from start to finish or particular duties at any stage throughout the campaign to free up internal resources. copywriting, e-mail text and subject line split testing, theme creation and setup, e-mail coding, e-mail distribution, sign-up implementation, marketing automation, and e-mail campaign planning and consultation are all included in our completely managed e-mail marketing services. We solely handle e-mail code, e-mail writing, and subject line split testing, as well as e-mail delivery, with partially managed campaigns. And when we say we’ll take care of it, we don’t mean we’ll merely offer you a generic template. With brand-focused text, proper aesthetics, and a cohesive structure that supports the desired subscriber action, we will effectively develop a successful tailored e-mail content. Per campaign, the e-mail copy will be efficiently and continuously checked. 

Results – Driven Management

You will receive accurate and up-to-date performance reports on a regular basis. These important performance criteria will allow you to evaluate the success of any e-mail marketing campaign:

Open Rate Click Rate

Conversion Rate Bounce Rate Unsubscribed Rate

These figures serve as the foundation for future campaign enhancements. E-mail marketing necessitates ongoing testing, monitoring, and tweaking. We are motivated by results. As a result, we keep an eye on underlying metrics like list size and list quality that may have an impact on these KPI outcomes. Our team of professionals not only achieves results, but they do so while ensuring that the most successful tactics are used in the most cost-efficient manner feasible.

More than Marketing

Our ultimate objective is for you to succeed. E-mail marketing is a great approach for increasing traffic and conversions to your website. However, in order for it to be effective, you’ll need a team of specialists to guide you through the process. Tech Chimpanzee will give you all you need for e-mail marketing – and more. Tech Chimpanzee, one of the country’s best digital marketing and web design organizations, provides strong ideas and personalized solutions presented in a creative and original manner.