SMM Agency in Canada

We are driven by creativity. We create innovative things to help you achieve better results and consolidate yourself in the market.

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Years Experience

Send a Message to Over 3 Billion People with Your Brand

The greatest approach to communicate with your target audience is through social media marketing. Several businesses have benefited from Tech Chimpanzee’s assistance in developing a successful social media management plan. Audience engagement is a key indicator of social media success. We propose that businesses communicate with their followers on all key channels in order to achieve high engagement.

Creating interesting material is also a crucial aspect of a successful social media strategy. All of your published material and creativity should encourage people to go to your website to discover more about your brand messaging. Once your followers understand your brand narrative, they are more likely to become customers.

Our Services

Competitor analysis trend discovery, caption copywriting, hashtag research, influencer marketing.

Paid Ad strategy and management community management scheduled posting.

Tech Chimpanzee will send a specialized account manager to your social media initiative in order to properly meet your needs.

During bi-weekly conversations and daily communication, the account manager will be your primary point of contact.

Any requests or revisions made on the client’s behalf will be forwarded to the account manager, who will communicate with the graphic designers and social media team.

Every project at Tech Chimpanzee is proactive, therefore you can expect to hear new ideas from the account manager on a weekly basis. 

Everything you do should be imprinted with your brand identity.

Branding is one of the most crucial aspects of any company’s success.

It informs clients who you are and sets you apart from the competition.

We deliberately incorporate your brand into social media creative, resulting in concepts that will resonate with your target audience and help you stand out from the pack.

The next stage is for us to assess your company’s present social media environment.

Competition analysis, trend identification, hashtag research, reputation analysis, and website traffic measurements are just a few examples.

In addition, Tech Chimpanzee creates a detailed persona report for your target group.

This allows us to figure out who your ideal brand audience is and how we can best engage them with visual content and text.

If your company is already active on social media, we’ll look at your posting history to see what methods have succeeded in the past.

We have a team of graphic designers at Tech Chimpanzee that are devoted to generating one-of-a-kind images for social media distribution.

Our social media creative approach includes both refining your existing content with graphic design and producing 100% original ideas.

All of the work we do will express your brand message, which should be at the forefront of anything your company does on social media.

Tech Chimpanzee is pleased to work with you to meet your specific requirements. We may also develop unique social media packages to meet your creative demands, such as video, animation, or more postings each day.

When our firm is able to interact with your team on content production, social media management works best.

We welcome your comments, and our goal is to create compelling material that is also consistent with your brand’s vision.

Nobody understands your industry as well as you do. This is why we give a monthly publishing calendar to our social media clients.

This gives you a sneak peek at our creative designs, captions, and hashtags before they’re published.

You will be allowed to offer adjustments throughout the review process to help us improve the postings.

Tech Chimpanzee recognizes that there are instances when you require information shared on social media that cannot be planned.

This is why we allow gaps in the posting calendar so that we may upload fresh information quickly.


Social Media Platforms

Brand Awareness

Each social media site caters to a certain consumer group. Facebook members, for example, have the highest average age of any social media network. Instagram and Twitter, on the other hand, cater to a considerably younger audience. We specialize in developing innovative content that will captivate your desired brand audience at Tech Chimpanzee.

Every project we work on has branding at its core. We have teams of graphic designers, video editors, and copywriters committed to producing social media-friendly material. Our material is more likely to be shared, liked, discussed, and followed on social media than other types of content.

Every piece of creative we produce for your campaigns will have your brand message “stamped” on it. Our digital marketing team will use your branded content to reach the widest possible audience within your specific target demographic. This strategy will increase the amount of brand exposure your content receives on social media.

Audience Research

Businesses may obtain information on who their audience is, what they are searching for, and whether or not they are pleased with the product by doing audience research on social media. The analysis of your present and future audience is generally the first step in our audience research methodology.

If your company is new to social media, we can also utilize our techniques to uncover secret information about your top competitors’ followers. We’ll examine what themes are currently hot within that population after we’ve determined the demographics, psychographics, and geographics of your target audience.

Audience research assists companies in staying informed and involved on social media. We can collect the information needed to determine which content will best engage your target audience. Audience research is also important for calculating the amount of people who will visit your articles and the most effective paid ad plan for your company.


Social Media Management

Tech Chimpanzee’s approach to social media is very different. You can anticipate frequent communication with our team at Tech Chimpanzee, who will always bring new campaign ideas to the table.

We understand Social Media and what people respond to and don’t respond to. No matter the platform you advertise on, your brand message comes first. This is why every project undertaken by Tech Chimpanzee begins with a brand strategy workshop. We will discuss and define your unique brand narrative throughout the workshop.

This branding must be “stamped” on every piece of material you send out to your target audience. Our Digital Marketing Team is unrivalled in the industry. Following the completion of branding and visual design, our marketers will select the finest social media platforms and targeting tactics to guarantee that your postings receive the most targeted exposure possible. Our first objective is to assist you in growing your business.

We recognize that every business has a bottom line and that the most crucial part of any venture is the return on investment. This is why we meticulously track all Social Media Campaigns we run in order to understand which efforts result in the most revenue for your company.

Customer Service

Social media has both advantages and disadvantages, making it a two-edged sword. Customers may submit real-time feedback and share good communication with their own networks as a result of this feature.

The disadvantage is that feedback might be unfavorable at times. Negative social media comments must be addressed swiftly and wisely.

Automated chatbots are a terrific tool that Tech Chimpanzee can put up on your social media. Chat bots are gaining popularity on social media because they are effective at answering frequently requested queries.

The usage of automated chatbots in social media customer service will significantly reduce your human capital expense while also speeding up interactions with potential clients.

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